
does bankruptcy affect my spouse canada

75 – What Happens to My Debt if My Spouse Files Bankruptcy?

To understand what happens to your spouse’s finances, first it is important to know what the difference is between personal debt and joint debt. As a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Amanda Sherwood helps couples navigate insolvency, as each family situation is unique.

new year resolutions

74 – How to Start the New Financial Year Strong

This podcast features Bonnie Hooley, Licensed Insolvency Trustee, talking about setting attainable financial resolutions. She also discusses finding resolutions that make sense to you and purposeful spending within your budget.

christmas hangover

73 – Finding New Ways To Avoid The Christmas Debt Hangover

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Bonnie Hooley discusses Christmas debt hangovers and how to avoid them. If you regret overspending again this year on gifts, travel, food or other forms of holiday merriment, tune in to this podcast.

72 – What Happens to Tax Refunds in a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Derek Chase, walks us through the different scenarios and how when you file may have an impact on your tax returns. He also covers when it is advantageous to file a Consumer Proposal vs Bankruptcy, and the best time of the year to file.

new year's resolutions

71 – How to Prepare for the Year Ahead

If you have overspent or strayed from your holiday budget, now is the time to get back on track. Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Mark Marshall, shares his experiences and talks about ways to set the course to improve your finances in the coming year.

christmas credit card

70 – How to Celebrate a Credit Free Holiday

If the holiday season is something you haven’t budgeted for in the past, maybe it’s time to get ahead of the mage next year by starting early. In today’s podcast, Licensed insolvency Trustee, Derek Chase talks about avoiding Christmas credit card debt.

debt free christmas

69 – Celebrating the Holidays Without Breaking the Bank

Finding ways to make the holidays meaningful without going into debt can be the best present you give yourself. Mark Marshall shares some of his ideas of how to scale back on Christmas giving.

self employed taxes canada

68 – Self Employed Individuals and Income Tax Implications

Are you ready to take the step of becoming self-employed? Should you take on the role of being a sole proprietor or become incorporated? Here’s a few things to think about before you make your decision.

consumer proposal

67 – Consumer Proposals: Why Is It a Good Option for Some Debtors?

You have heard the term Consumer Proposal but do you know how they work? What debts can be included and when would it be a better option than Bankruptcy? Find out here.

business bankruptcy canada

66 – Business Bankruptcy in Canada

What happens if the company you work for files for Bankruptcy and you are owed wages? You may be protected by the Wage Earners Protection Act. Find out about business Bankruptcies in this information packed podcast.