
does bankruptcy clear tax debt canada

65 – Does Bankruptcy Clear Tax Debt in Canada

The CRA has special powers for collecting tax debt. But when it comes to the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act, they are treated like any other creditor.

credit rating

64 – What Is a Credit Rating and How Does It Work?

We all know that we need a good credit score but how many of us know why? Do we have access our credit report and credit scores? The short answer is yes. Here’s how.

when to file bankruptcy

63 – When Is the Best Time to Go Bankrupt?

Does it matter what time of the year you file for Bankruptcy? What happens to your taxes credits or refunds? Find out if there is a better time to declare Bankruptcy and why.

monthly budget

62 – Better Budgeting: How to Stretch Your Dollars

Most of us are concerned about the rising inflation rate and are wondering where it might end. Our budgets are being stretched to their limits. There are things you can do to budget your way through rising costs.

money management for kids

61 – Cultivating Financial Independence In Your Children

Most of us were not taught money management skills when we were young. But we can do better. We can cultivate financial independence in our children to ensure that we set them up for the best possible future.

60 – Dating and Finances: How to Talk Money in a Relationship

Having those hard conversations about money early on in a relationship can save you a lot of grief later on. Making sure you are both on the same page will make your financial life easier in the long run.

can bankruptcy affect my job

59 – Bankruptcy and Future Employment: Can Bankruptcy Affect My Job?

Are you considering the possibility of filing for Bankruptcy and are wondering how that will affect your current or future employment? The answer might surprise you. Find out who will get to know.

high inflation

58 – How Soaring Inflation Can Affect Your Budget

How are we Canadians coping with rising interest rates and inflation? What advice could help us through these precarious times? Derek Chase, Licensed Insolvency Trustee tackles these questions and shares his thoughts on adjusting our spending habits and budgets.

exchange-traded funds

57 – Should You Invest in ETFs With Little Money

Why would Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Derek Chase be talking about ETFs? For the most part, because that is what is discussed in one of the mandatory counselling sessions after completing a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

debt consultant

56 – Best Debt Consultant: Find the Right One for You

Where can you turn for the best debt relief solution? This podcast will shed some light on the murky waters of debt counselling. Leigh Taylor, Licensed Insolvency Trustee, takes a look at the different services explaining what they can and can’t do.