
canada financial stress

140 – The Personal Toll of Debt and How to Overcome Financial Stress

There is a mental and emotional toll that comes with debt. Learn practical strategies to manage financial stress, improve mental well-being, and explore options for debt relief.


138 – Budgeting Basics: Creating a Plan and Sticking to It

Budgeting can be stressful if you don’t set realistic financial goals for yourself. Having a monthly budget can help you understand how you manage your money. Find out the latest budgeting tools and expense tracking methods. Take control of your finances now so as to avoid debt management issues later.

cost of living

125 – Cost of Living: Why Does It Matter?

The rising cost of living is putting pressure on most Canadian’s finances. Household budgets are getting squeezed as inflation numbers steadily increase. Find out more about how the Consumer Price Index measures the cost of living. This podcast also discusses what you can do to protect your finances.

marriage and finances

122 – Marriage and Finances: Till Debt Do Us Part?

Are you feeling the effects of unmanageable debt on your relationship? Is the strain starting to cause marriage problems? Get practical advice before your credit rating plummets and Bankruptcy becomes your only option. This podcast talks about marriage and finances.

debt management plan

120 – Get Your Finances Back on Track With a Debt Management Plan

Are you struggling with your finances and are wondering how to manage your debt? Creating a debt management plan can help you pay off your debt faster and gives you guidance for the year ahead. Your plan can support clearing your credit card debt once and for all.

fear of bankruptcy

119 – How Fear of Bankruptcy Can Keep You Financially Stuck

Are you in financial trouble and have a fear of Bankruptcy? Get financial advice from a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Avoid a financial crisis and consider the benefits of filing for Bankruptcy. Most of your unsecured debt will be eliminated allowing you to have a fresh financial start.

canada housing market

118 – Buyer’s Remorse In Canadian Housing Market

Experts agree that Canada’s housing market is beginning to cool. Real estate prices are going down and many Canadians are facing higher interest rates with no property appreciation. Find out how to be proactive with your finances before renewal time.

canada's food price report

116 – Canada’s Food Price Report Predicts Prices Will Rise – What You Can Do

The latest data from Canada’s food price report suggests that the price of our groceries could rise another 4.5% in 2024. Household budgets will continue to be stretched throughout the year. Explore some creative strategies to decrease your monthly food bills even with inflation rising.